Into our 34th year in providing audit services to our valued clients, Tan, Chan & Partners are pleased to extend our Lucky Draw Audit service to your company.

Our Client Portfolio

At Tan, Chan & Partners, our focus is on efficiency and professionalism and that is achieved through our years of built on technical expertise and management skills. Being one of the most coveted service providers for lucky draw audit service, our lucky draw audit portfolio of clients includes key players in a broad range of industries such as:

  • Retail and Wholesale
  • Banking and Finance
  • Transportation
  • Telecommunications

Under the NOTIFICATION TO CONDUCT LUCKY DRAW UNDER THE COMMON GAMING HOUSES (EXEMPTION) NOTIFICATION 1996 or REMOTE GAMBLING (EXEMPT PERSONS) ORDER 2015, any public lottery conducted by a business organization for the purposes of promoting the sale of any product or pr0ducts, or services shall be exempted from the provisions of the Act, if the following conditions and the additional conditions set out in paragraph 5 are complied with.

The notification shall be submitted at least 4 weeks before the launch of the promotion to:

Head Specialised Crime Policy Branch / CID
Blk C Police Cantonment Complex
391 New Bridge Road Singapore 088762
Attn: Lucky Draw Administrator
FAX: 62207142

Download a copy here: SPF-Lucky_Draw_Notification

Within 3 months upon termination of the lucky draw promotion, an audited statement of account must be submitted to this office, in the same format given in the Notification.

(Source: Police Licensing Computerised System)

the scope of our lucky draw audit service

  • Verify the lucky draw procedures to ensure that everyone in the draw will have an equal chance of being selected
  • Witness the draw proceedings; verify the lucky draw winners and terms and conditions of the draw to ensure compliance
  • Prepare an audited report to CID as part of legal requirements which includes:
    • State the full particulars (Name, NRIC No. & address) of all winners in the various categories and the type of prizes won.
    • Where the total value of the prizes exceeds $10,000/-, a copy of the newspaper cutting showing the details of the draw and the results is to be enclosed. This is as required under para 3(b) & 5(1)(e) of the Common Gaming Houses (Exemption) Notification 1996.
    • State whether all the winners have claimed the prizes.
    • Attach the original acknowledgement receipts of prizes by the winners.
    • Prizes, which are not won or remain unclaimed 2 months after the determination of the winners, or their equivalent value, shall be donated to the Community Chest or an approved charitable organisation (to check with National Council of Social Services). A copy of the acknowledgement receipt from the organisation concerned shall be enclosed.
    • Submission of the report by AR registered post within 3 months of the draw to CID

Lucky draw Program

We now have our own audited proprietary Lucky Draw System which can be used effectively to conduct electronic lucky draws.

More Information on Lucky Draw Audit?

Simply fill up the online enquiry form below or give us a quick call at +65 6533 7393; a respective person in charge will reach out to you at the earliest convenience.
