Customer Satisfaction Survey


    Please take a few moments to complete this survey as we are constantly working to improve our quality of service to our customers. Your feedback provides us with an opportunity to improve our services and also recognise staff who provide high quality service. Thank you.

    Feedback on

    MCST / MF AuditCompany & NPO AuditCompilation of FSLucky Draw AuditAccounting ServicesTaxation ServicesCorporate Secretarial ServicesLiquidation ServicesDigitisation Services

    Please rate your level of agreement with the following.

    Q1. How would you rate your experience with us?*

    Very GoodGoodFairPoorVery Poor

    Would you like to compliment the customer service staff/the auditor who served you?*


    Name of the customer service staff/the auditor who served you*


    Q2. Any further comments?

    Q2. Any further comments ?

    Would you like to compliment the customer service staff/the auditor who served you?*


    Name of the customer service staff/the auditor who served you*

    Q2. Any further comments ?

    Q2. Any further comments ?

    Would you like to compliment the customer service staff/the auditor who served you?*

    Name of the customer service staff/the auditor who served you*

    Q2. Any further comments ?

    Q2. Any further comments ?

    How can we improve your experience ?

    Q1a. Customer service staff(s)/the auditor(s) can (Please select at least 1 option): *

    Be more courteousBe more patientBe more responsiveBe able to communicate more clearlyBe able to complete job as promised

    Q2. Any further comments ?

    How can we improve your experience ?

    Q1a. Customer service staff(s)/the auditor(s) can (Please select at least 1 option): *

    Be more courteousBe more patientBe more responsiveBe able to communicate more clearlyBe able to complete job as promised

    Q2. Any further comments ?

    I agree to allow Tan, Chan & Partners, to publish my feedback, on its website or any other publicity materials